October 11, 2012

New Comer in My room

These day…, I have been busy for something special in my room. there is a new comer in my room. Ya…, the White Kitten…. Honestly…, I have waited for long time  to have kitten. Because of the money n’ the kitten itself…, ya… the price n’ the kitten is like the moon which is I just can look at that.., but I can’t grab it. So… Bad… I try to find in any places, any friends, any relation…, but What I get is Big Zero. Because what ?, Because Minim Budget compare by the precious thing.

It is often happen in my life…, when You want something, that you really-really want… but You Know…, you can’t get it which are you want it, event you have tried hard. but when the desire come to down…, n’ I fell I don’t want it anymore… suddenly the thing come to you. it happen in my kitten Now.

Suddenly…, my friend (I don’t  suppose it before) offering me the kitten…, not need to think twice…, I directly decide to take it… N’ This is it… SARINAH.. ya… SARINAH…, this is my kitten name.


Sarinah on Pose

Ya…, This is my kitten…, the white kitten which I bought from my friend. the first day Sarinah Have made a uproar…, because what ?, because she pup on the floor… Off course.., the smells is soo….. Bad…., n’ successfully made my helper throw up. I’m sorry to see that. hehehe…

October 7, 2012

Warung Waru Doyong–Surabaya “Traditional Self-service food stall”



Warung Waru doyong is most popular enough in Surabaya. The Warung which is location at Tenggilis Timur Dalam Street is quite enough hard to find. The location is located in the edge of small river which it placed in the middle of the residential housing. it’s mean that the Warung is far from Noise, crowded, and the pollution. Furthermore around of the warung, there are a lot of tree.  Good place for lunch in the noon.

The place is quite modest.., the wall of the entire building is just from bamboo woven. The parking area quite large.., is very good point for just traditional warung. The customers from the middle class until the elite class.., but I think average the customers are from the Elite. because a lot the luxurious car were park in here.   If you were here,  you won’t meet the table instead the chair, but you will meet a lot of “Lesehan”.

For the Menu…, there are a lot of traditional menu which are offering in here. the quite popular menu in here are “wader”, “grilled chicken”, “Crabs Soup”,  “Shrimp Rempeyek”, “lalapan”, “Iwak Asin”, and many other menus. And the Hottest  one is the “Sambel”, It’s very Nice Sambel, even the menu is spicy too.

This warung Is self-service, so you can get your dish yourself. the quite important one is “All You Can Eat” for just Around Rp. 15.000. Wow…, the Amazing Warung in the metropolitan city. so.., don’t worry about the price. I recommended to you to taste the Grilled Chicken.., Is soo Good….

October 4, 2012

A Mother’s Courage

Bagi agan-agan yang durhaka pada mama agan…, sebaiknya cepet-cepet mintak maaf. Dalamnya samudra bisa diukur, dalamnya cinta-kasih seorang Ibu gak akan bisa keukur.

Gue pagi ini barusan lihat short film dari salah satu commercial brake TC Bank…
langsung dilihat aja de gan…, sedih banget gan….

It's based on a true story of a Taiwanese woman who was detained by border officers for suspected possession of drugs ( marijuana, etc). they questioned her and finally a translator arrived and she told them that it was herbs to make a nourishing soup for her daughter who had just given birth. my guess why she over reacted when they found the herbs is because it is very precious to her and she had probably went through great pains to bring it to her daughter. i think she was released in the end.

October 2, 2012

Bad Day at ATM

Malam Hari, termenung memikirkan kejadian Bodoh di awal bulan Oktober ini. Kok bisa ya...., Ya Allah..., kurangilah beban pikiran Hambamu ini. Kalau keinget jadi senyum-senyum sendiri tapi juga Malu. Asli Malu banget...

Sore tadi, gue ambil uang di ATM BCA. Gue berangkat dari rumah dengan membawa tas kecil selempang gue. Sampai Bank BCA gue langsung parkir tu motor dan menuju ke ATM. Gak lama menunggu Antrian gue langsung masuk. Seperti yang suda-suda gue buka tas, ambil ATM di dalam dompet yang ada di tas kecil gue. Gue masukin tu kartu ATM... Bla-bla-bla-bla..., dan singkat cerita akhirnya selesai.

Setelah selesai, pikiran gue langsung sinis ke tukang parkir BCA. Dan berharap Moga-moga tukang parkirnya gak ada. Knapa ?. Sebenernya gue banyak gak suka sama tukang Parkir di bank-bank, masak cuman taruh speda aja kena Ceban.. -_-". Itu kalau seminggu sekali gak papa. Nah gue..., tiap hari paling tidak 2-3 kali sehari ke Bank. Bisa dibilang selama satu bulan bisa lebih dari 50rebuk... Paket internet gue yg unlimited aja cuman 45rebuk -_-" (Entar gue bahas lagi di lain judul soal Toekang Parkir di Bank).

Back to the topic... Seteleh gue keluar dan mau ngambil speda..., sudah tepat mau ngeluarin speda gue. Tiba-tiba toekang parkirnya ngomong..., "mas-mas itu ATMnya ketinggalan..." Gue dalam hati berkata "ha..., ketinggalan, masak si, gue inget jelas kok.., gue masukin Kartu ATM nya uda ke dompet gue". Gue langsung ke.. Mesin ATMnya lagi...,
Dan Gue lihat dengan Mata Kepala Badan Hidung dan Seluruh Jiawa Gue... Bahwa uang yang seharusnya gue ambil masih ada di lubang keluarnya uang di Mesin ATM. Ya Allah.. Ternyata Gue Lupa gak masukin uangnya kedalam tas gue. -_-"
Maluh gue... Banget..., untung disana ada bapak-bapak paruh baya yang berusaha ngingetin gue lewat tukang parkir. Ternyata masih ada orang baik seperti bapak-bapak ini. Coba kalau gak diingetin. Lenyap tu uang...

Ya Allah..., thanks God..
Semoga kejadi'an ini menjadi akhir dari kejadi'an buruk di bulan ini.