October 4, 2012

A Mother’s Courage

Bagi agan-agan yang durhaka pada mama agan…, sebaiknya cepet-cepet mintak maaf. Dalamnya samudra bisa diukur, dalamnya cinta-kasih seorang Ibu gak akan bisa keukur.

Gue pagi ini barusan lihat short film dari salah satu commercial brake TC Bank…
langsung dilihat aja de gan…, sedih banget gan….

It's based on a true story of a Taiwanese woman who was detained by border officers for suspected possession of drugs ( marijuana, etc). they questioned her and finally a translator arrived and she told them that it was herbs to make a nourishing soup for her daughter who had just given birth. my guess why she over reacted when they found the herbs is because it is very precious to her and she had probably went through great pains to bring it to her daughter. i think she was released in the end.

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